

We completed this Wauwatosa bathroom moments before guests arrived from Argentina!

Since this was a newly married couple in their first home, this project began with a tight budget.  If, however, this is possibly your “forever home” and your main bathroom, you might just find yourself adding to the wish list and stretching that budget. In this case, we upgraded from man-made tile to natural travertine marble for both the floor and the field tile over the soaking tub. The difference is dramatic.

We also splurged on a deeper, more narrow soaking tub which allowed enough room to face the side with carrara marble and top it with a profiled barnes and partial deck. The look is pure sophistication.  The wish list included a handheld shower in addition to the tub faucet and shower head. Cost was kept minimal by mounting the handheld up high enough to serve as the shower head for now.

Lastly, my client favored the look of antique pine over less-expensive his/her pedestal sinks, so we custom retrofit the base of an antique pine hutch for a drop-in sink and finished the look with a small antique pine storage bench for bath toys. Old medicine cabinets were removed to the right and left of the sink and drywalled as niches with drop-in travertine shelves.

Lastly, we replaced the small original mirror with one that both balances the space and ties in with the antique sink cabinet. Everything is updated and upscale. Just in time for the next guest – a baby boy!

