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Exquisite Pine

My pine collection says something about one’s moral fabric. It’s happy, warm persona reflects the spirit and playfulness of each artisan. Unlike new pieces, this collection offers a relationship to history – that which gives life texture. No two pieces are alike and imperfections are a testament to generational stories within the wood.

For me, antique pine furniture evokes memories of my childhood years living in Europe, of chimney sweeps who marked your forehead w/ coal for good luck, of plump, rosey cheeked women who beat their rugs outdoors then left them to air, of heavenly cherries and marzipan found at the summer markets within the walled town squares and of hand-carved Christmas ornaments at frosty winter markets on narrow, cobbled streets lined with hanging lights. I can still smell the pipes of the old men who took the time to tell stories to the young children playing marbles in the parks and of the freshly baked breads set out on deep set window sills to cool for the evening supper.

Invest in something that lasts a lifetime