
Philip Bess, School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame wrote, “ we build out of gratitude, memory, and transcendent hope.”  I would add to that by suggesting that all are related in regard to the sacred connection to all things living, life giving and life affirming.

 GRATITUDE for peace, fresh air, stable temperatures, healing food
in MEMORY of days spent rolling down a hill of tall grass or watching lazy, sunning turtles in a local pond and in the HOPE that future generations will thrive beyond physical and intellectural bonds but also soulfully

As this applies to our homes, look at the connections where your personal refuge meets with it’s natural setting.  Does the SACRED meet RESTORATIVE here? There is more going on in your front yard, side patio, garden niche, porch and at the front door than mere built form. According to Therapeutic Environmental theory, Stess Response research and Design Psychology publications, your outdoor/indoor connection has the potential to inspire, nurture and even heal you emotionally, spiritually and physically which means the reverse is true as well.

I would say the best designs are those that bow down to the kids, the walkers, the pets, the birds, the bees, the water system, historical ecology… and in doing so, keep us healthy and connected to one another.  It is simple task. Embrace all things living from driveway to front door and create spaces that encourage such reflection. It is a win win.